Personal Injury Blog

Accident Benefits (10)

Accident Benefits Update: Chronic Pain Is Not a Minor Injury (Again!)

The central issue in the recent Reconsideration of 17-000835 v. Aviva General Insurance Canada (2018 CanLII 83520) was whether chronic pain should be considered a "minor injury" or "clinically associated sequelae" under the Minor Injury Guideline (MIG) and Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule...

Accident Benefits Update: Divisional Court Confirms Smith Test for 20-Year-Old IRB Claim

Recently, in Aviva Canada Inc. v. Sidhu et al (2018 ONSC 6506), the Divisional Court heard an Application for judicial review by Aviva from a 2017 Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) appeal. The appeal had upheld a preliminary ruling by the Arbitrator that the claimant, Mr. Sidhu’s...

What You Need To Know About Our Insurance Act And Car Accidents

Many of you do not know that our legal system is prejudiced against plaintiffs who are injured in car accidents. In response to pressure from the Insurance industry, our Insurance Act has built-in relief for defendant insurance companies from paying damages to plaintiffs. Briefly, damages under a...

Does failure to attend an insurer’s examination forbid an accident victim to apply for accident benefits?

The decision of the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) in the case called S.L. v Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company answers the question on whether or not the failure to attend an insurer’s examination (IE) forbid an accident victim to apply for accident benefits.

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