Personal Injury Blog

Who’s on the Hook? Understanding Insurance Priority for Your Accident Benefits

If you've been involved in a motor vehicle accident, it's crucial to understand how accident benefits are prioritized, and which insurer is responsible for providing you with the compensation you deserve. Ontario’s Insurance Act outlines a specific “priority” hierarchy that determines the insurer...

Whiplash: Medical and Legal Considerations

Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD) is the full medical name for Whiplash – neck injuries from (even low-speed) car accidents. Usually, whiplash happens when another driver rear-ends the accident victim, although it can be caused by any impact, or even from sudden braking to avoid an accident. The...

Legal Considerations – Brain Injury Lawsuits

Few things in life are as scary and potentially life changing as brain injuries. When you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury, the impact on your relationships, family finances, and daily activities can be devastating. Unfortunately, the complex nature of these injuries causes a lot of...

Understanding Ontario Claim Forms (OCF)

In Ontario, if you are injured in an accident and need to access insurance benefits, the process begins by starting a personal injury claim, commonly referred to as an Accident Benefits claim. To do this, you need to fill out specific Ontario Claim Forms (OCF). In the context of personal injury...

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