Personal Injury Blog

DUI: Stats, Ontario Law, and Impacts of Charges

Impaired driving, also called driving under the influence or DUI, refers to the operation of a vehicle while the driver’s ability to do so is compromised by alcohol, prescription or non-prescription drugs, alone or in any combination. Types of vehicles where DUI charges could apply include not only...

SPECT Endorsed for Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis

The Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine (CANM) has unanimously embraced a new method and set guidelines for brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging for neurology and psychiatry. The news on this landmark decision was released on July 16, 2021.

Ontario Transport Truck Accident Guide

Being involved in any motor vehicle accident is frightening. When that motor vehicle accident involves a transport truck, it can be an especially difficult road ahead. Victims face the onerous journey of medical recovery while being asked to navigate the complex legal challenges barring them from...

Options for Healthcare Workers Struggling with PTSD

Since the onset of the COVID 19 crisis, our healthcare workers have been subjected to ongoing and almost relentless stress.

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