Personal Injury Blog

SPECT as objective evidence in support of mTBI

Recently, the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) released Panchoo v. Aviva, (2023 CanLII 87390), another decision in the recent line considering the applicability of Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) imaging in the diagnosis of post-concussion syndrome or mild traumatic brain injury...

The Use of SPECT in Personal Injury Cases

The Emerging Role of SPECT Scans in Personal Injury Lawsuits

A SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography, is a type of brain diagnostic technology that creates a detailed 3D map of the blood flow activity in the brain to spot areas of impaired brain function. 

5 Tips for Properly Filling Out an OCF-6 Form

The Expense Claim Form (OCF-6) is a critical document in the process of seeking compensation for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. Accidents can be overwhelming, and navigating the paperwork can be daunting. However, filling out the OCF-6 form accurately and completely is crucial to...

What are Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS)? A Layman's Guide

When you're involved in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario, it's crucial to be aware of your rights and the support available to you. Accident Benefits under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) are a set of insurance benefits designed to provide financial and medical assistance to...

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